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List of Publication

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    Benthien JT, Krause A, Trautner J, Melcher E (2024) Substitution von Sulfuryldifluorid (SF) im Rundholzexport. In: Institut für Holztechnologie (ed) 32. Deutsche Holzschutztagung : Organisiert vom Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden gemeinnützige GmbH ; Dresden, 25. und 26. April 2024. pp 58-71

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    Schmitz N, Krause A, Lüdtke J (2023) Critical review on a sustainable circular bio-economy for the forestry sector = Zirkuläre Bioökonomie in der Forst- und Holzwirtschaft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung - Eine wissenschaftliche Einordnung. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 88 p, Thünen Rep 109, DOI:10.3220/REP1684154771000

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    Ye H, Asante B, Schmidt G, Krause A, Zhang Y, Yu Z (2023) Eco-friendly geopolymer-wood building materials: Interactions between geopolymer and wood cell wall. J Cleaner Prod 420:138381, DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138381

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    Asante B, Appelt J, Yan L, Krause A (2023) Influence of wood pretreatment, hardwood and softwood extractives on the compressive strength of fly ash-based geopolymer composite. J Mater Sci 58(13):5625-5641, DOI:10.1007/s10853-023-08371-0

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    Altgen M, Fröba M, Gurr J, Krause A, Ohlmeyer M, Sazama U, Willems W, Nopens M (2023) Limits in reaching the anhydrous state of wood and cellulose. Cellulose 30(10):6247-6257, DOI:10.1007/s10570-023-05293-7

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    Nguyen DL, Lüdtke J, Nopens M, Krause A (2023) Production of wood-based panel from recycled wood resource: a literature review. Eur J Wood Prod 81(3):557-570, DOI:10.1007/s00107-023-01937-4

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    Asante B, Ye H, Nopens M, Schmidt G, Krause A (2022) Influence of wood moisture content on the hardened state properties of geopolymer wood composites. Composites Part A 152:106680, DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106680

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    Ayana KD, De Angelis M, Schmidt G, Krause A, Ali AY (2022) Valorization of potential post-consumer polyethylene (PE) plastics waste and Ethiopian indigenous highland bamboo (EHB) for wood plastic composite (WPC) : experimental evaluation and characterization. Fibers 10(10):85, DOI:10.3390/fib10100085

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    Krause KC, Krause A, Pilz SE, Brischke C (2021) High-energy multiple impact (HEMI) tests of wood-polypropylene composites: new insights in structural integrity. Wood Mat Sci Eng 16(5):321-324, DOI:10.1080/17480272.2020.1737962

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    Asante B, Schmidt G, Teixeira R, Krause A, Savastano Junior H (2021) Influence of wood pretreatment and fly ash particle size on the performance of geopolymer wood composite. Eur J Wood Prod 79:597-609, DOI:10.1007/s00107-021-01671-9

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    Ye H, Asante B, Schmidt G, Krause A, Zhang Y, Yu Z (2021) Interfacial bonding properties of the eco-friendly geopolymer-wood composites: influences of embedded wood depth, wood surface roughness, and moisture conditions. J Mater Sci 56:7420-7433, DOI:10.1007/s10853-021-05775-8

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    Nopens M, Sazama U, Krause A, Fröba M (2021) Specific heat capacity of wood between -140 and 50 °C in dry and wet state. Holzforsch 75(9):779-785, DOI:10.1515/hf-2020-0204

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    Koddenberg T, Greving I, Hagemann J, Flenner S, Krause A, Laipple D, Klein KC, Schmitt U, Schuster M, Wolf A, Seifert M, Ludwig V, Funk S, Militz H, Nopens M (2021) Three-dimensional imaging of xylem at cell wall level through near field nano holotomography. Sci Rep 11(1):4574, DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-83885-8

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    Kraft N, Bolte A, Degen B, Dieter M, Krause A, Rüter S (2021) Thünen erklärt: Warum Waldnutzung auch Klimaschutz ist: so wird der Klimaschutzeffekt der Wälder optimiert [online]. , zu finden in <> [zitiert am 20.12.2021]

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    Isermeyer F, Nieberg H, Banse M, Bolte A, Christoph-Schulz IB, Dauber J, Witte T de, Dehler M, Döring R, Elsasser P, Fock HO, Focken U, Freund F, Goti L, Heidecke C, Kempf A, Koch G, Kraus G, Krause A, Kroiher F, Lasner T, Lüdtke J, Olbrich A, Osterburg B, Pelikan J, Probst WN, Rahmann G, Reiser S, Rock J, Röder N, Rüter S, Sanders J, Stelzenmüller V, Zimmermann C (2020) Auswirkungen aktueller Politikstrategien (Green Deal, Farm-to-Fork, Biodiversitätsstrategie 2030; Aktionsprogramm Insektenschutz) auf Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie Fischerei. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 102 p, Thünen Working Paper 156, DOI:10.3220/WP1600775202000

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    Grigsby WJ, Puri A, Gaugler M, Lüdtke J, Krause A (2020) Bonding wood veneer with biobased poly (Lactic Acid) thermoplastic polyesters: potential applications for consolidated wood veneer and overlay products. Fibers 8(8):50, DOI:10.3390/fib8080050

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    Rezaee Niaraki P, Krause A (2020) Correlation between physical bonding and mechanical properties of wood plastic composites: Part 1: interaction of chemical and mechanical treatments on physical properties. J Adhes Sci Technol 34(7):744-755, DOI:10.1080/01694243.2019.1683325

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    Rezaee Niaraki P, Krause A (2020) Correlation between physical bonding and mechanical properties of wood-plastic composites: Part 2: effect of thermodynamic factors on interfacial bonding at wood-polymer interface. J Adhes Sci Technol 34(7):756-768, DOI:10.1080/01694243.2019.1689628

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    Nopens M, Sazama U, König S, Kaschuro S, Krause A, Fröba M (2020) Determination of mesopores in the wood cell wall at dry and wet state. Sci Rep 10:9543, DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-65066-1

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    Benthien JT, Ohlmeyer M, Gäckler S, Krause A, Al Samarraie A (2020) Experimental determination of the impact energy of horse kicks. Biosyst Eng 195:54-63, DOI:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2020.04.009

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    Gaugler M, Lüdtke J, Grigsby WJ, Krause A (2019) A new methodology for rapidly assessing interfacial bonding within fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites. Int J Adhesion Adhesives 89:66-71, DOI:10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2018.11.010

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    Grigsby WJ, Gager V, Recabar K, Krause A, Gaugler M, Lüdtke J (2019) Quantitative assessment and visualisation of the Wood and Poly(Lactic Acid) Interface in sandwich laminate composites. Fibers 7(2):15, DOI:10.3390/fib7020015

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    Lüdtke J, Gaugler M, Grigsby WJ, Krause A (2019) Understanding the development of interfacial bonding within PLA/woodbased thermoplastic sandwich composites. Ind Crops Prod 127:129-134, DOI:10.1016/j.indcrop.2018.10.069

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    Lüdtke J, Gaugler M, Grigsby WJ, Krause A (2018) Assessing interfacial bonding behaviour between wood and thermoplastics in composite materials. In: Forest Products Society (ed) Advancements in fiber-polymer composites symposium 2017 : Madison, Wisconsin, USA ; 16-18 May 2017. pp 374-376

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    Mertens O, Benthien JT, Krause A (2018) Monitoring of fibre dimensions after a novel wood-plastic compounding approach. Eur J Wood Prod 76(2):801-804, DOI:10.1007/s00107-017-1246-z

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    Benthien JT, Sommerhuber PF, Heldner S, Ohlmeyer M, Seppke B, Krause A (2017) Influence of material origin on the size distribution of wood particles for wood-plastic composite (WPC) manufacture. Eur J Wood Prod 75(3):477-480, DOI:10.1007/s00107-016-1122-2

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    Sommerhuber PF, Wenker JL, Rüter S, Krause A (2017) Life cycle assessment of wood-plastic composites: Analysing alternative materials and identifying an environmental sound end-of-life option. Resources Conserv Recycl 117(Part B):235-248, DOI:10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.10.012

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    Plinke B, Benthien JT, Krause A, Krause KC, Schirp A, Teuber L (2016) Optische Größenvermessung von Holzpartikeln für die WPC-Herstellung. Holztechnol 57:43-50

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    Sommerhuber PF, Wang T, Krause A (2016) Wood-plastic composites as potential applications of recycled plastics of electronic waste and recycled particleboard. J Cleaner Prod 121:176-185, DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.02.036

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    Sommerhuber PF, Welling J, Krause A (2015) Substitution potentials of recycled HDPE and wood particles from post-consumer packaging waste in Wood-Plastic Composites. Waste Manag 46:76-85, DOI:10.1016/j.wasman.2015.09.011

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    Sarmin SN, Welling J, Krause A, Shalbafan A (2014) Investigating the possibility of geopolymer to produce inorganic-bonded wood composites for multifunctional construction material - a review. BioResources 9(4):7941-7950

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