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Strategic Strengthening and Promotion of Forest and Wood Research in Germany (Cross-Sectional Project)

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© Dr. Andy Selter

Strategic Strengthening and Promotion of Forest and Wood Research in Germany (Cross-Sectional Project)

Forests provide economic, protective, and recreational functions. Extreme weather events and forest damage are showing the consequences of climate change. Interdisciplinary research and evidence-based decisions are essential for necessary adaptations.

Background and Objective

Cooperation and communication create synergies

So far, forest and wood research has been fragmented both organizationally and technically, with limited networking. Many research focuses are attributed to either forest research or wood research. Cross-sectoral and nationally-oriented research is more of an exception. The REGULUS funding guideline aims to reduce this fragmentation by supporting interdisciplinary innovation groups in forest and wood research and improving the networking and coordination of forest and wood research at the national level.

The main objectives of WaHo_boost are to promote collaboration between REGULUS innovation groups and to synthesize cross-cutting results and prepare them for stakeholders and the public. The guiding concept of WaHo_boost is the integration of forest and wood research (interdisciplinarity) and research in dialogue with practice (transdisciplinarity). To achieve these central goals, various measures are pursued in the areas of qualification, project internal and cross-project communication, public relations, and policy advice.

Through intensive exchange during status conferences and coordination meetings between the REGULUS innovation groups and the cross-cutting project, a common understanding of concerted forest and wood research in Germany is developed. Workshops addressing existing conflict areas and role perceptions overcome inhibiting competition, enhance cooperation capacity, and demonstrate possibilities for utilizing synergies. Further training and development programs specifically targeting early-career researchers involved in REGULUS enable them to expand their individual scientific skills beyond their technical qualifications and promote the concept of networking in early career stages.

WaHo_boost develops concepts to communicate cross-cutting and synthesized scientific content on forest management and wood-based value creation to various target groups through digital platforms, publications, and conferences. Central to this communication is the dialogue with stakeholders from the forest and wood sector, society, and policy-makers.

REGULUS is more than the sum of research results

Based on the understanding that the conditions for innovation emergence can be shaped, WaHo_boost provides methods and structures that reduce barriers between individual areas and strengthen collaborations. As a result, potentials and synergies within forest and wood research are tapped, generating added value beyond the results of individual REGULUS innovation groups.


To achieve the aforementioned main goals, the following operational sub-goals will be pursued in six work packages (WP1 to WP6):

  1. Interdisciplinary networking of the innovation groups and creation of a common understanding of concerted forest and wood research in Germany. This is to be achieved through intensive exchange between research clusters and the cross-cutting project (with a focus on conferences, WP1).
  2. Promotion of young researchers anchored in the innovation groups in early career phases in order to expand their scientific skills beyond their professional qualifications and promote their development into outstanding scientists. For this purpose, training, workshops and summer schools are planned (WP2).
  3. Structured, efficient and targeted communication of cross-cutting and synthesized scientific content on forest management and wood-based value creation to three different key target groups: political decision-makers, stakeholders from the forest and wood sector, and society. This is to be achieved by developing best practice communication formats (including the use of social media) with the three key target groups within the project (WP3).
  4. Further development of cooperation readiness and capability within and between the innovation groups to achieve cross-cutting synergies in joint research and overcome unproductive competition. After analyzing the conflict fields and role understandings, workshops with various moderation techniques and demonstration projects are planned (WP4).
  5. Systematic recording and strategic evaluation of the results of the projects and their consolidation at the national level. These will be processed in a targeted manner for information and advice to decision-makers. This will be achieved through short synthesis formats on project progress that can be used for policy advice (WP5).
  6. Comprehensive participation and involvement of both stakeholders and civil society in the funding measure and the results of the innovation groups. For this purpose, a digital e-dialogue instrument will be developed and used, and a dialogue workshop with EU stakeholders will be held in Brussels (WP6).

Involved external Thünen-Partners

  • Albert-Ludwig Universität Freiburg
    (Freiburg, Deutschland)
  • Technische Universität München
    (München, Freising-Weihenstephan, Deutschland)

Funding Body

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
    (national, öffentlich)


12.2022 - 11.2027

More Information

Project funding number: 033L300A
Funding program: BMBF - Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit (FONA): REGULUS - Regionale Innovationsgruppen für eine klimaschützende Wald- und Holzwirtschaft
Project status: ongoing

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