How many marine litter lay at the sea floor?
How many marine litter lies at the sea floor?
Monitoring of macro litter at the sea floor
A soda can lying at the beach and a plastic bag floating at the surface are visible for everybody. But the major part of marine litter sinks to the sea floor someday and is concealed. How many and which kind of litter is lying there is investigated by the Thünen-Institute using litter in fishery catches.
Background and Objective
Marine litter has become a subject of major concern. Globally, huge amounts of man-made solid waste materials end up in the oceans coming from both land - and sea-based sources. Levels of marine litter at the seafloor are presumed to be rising with the increasing global population densities and industrial production.
Plastic waste materials are of special concern, as plastic items are highly persistent and compose the dominating category of marine litter. Plastic debris can pose a risk to the marine environment, by causing physical damage in marine organisms via ingestion or entanglement and also due to potential toxic effects .
In Europe marine litter was recognized as major risc factor for the marine environment and consequently included as one of eleven qualitative descriptors for the "good environmental status" in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The MSFD schedules monitoring programmes for the assessing the status of the marine ecosysteme. Surveys uses international agreed protocols (ICES), for standardized recording of marine macro litter (>2,5cm).
Macrolitter in bottom trawl fishery catches are regularly monitored and categorized according to ICES.
The amount of litter is given in litter items per km² area covered by the trawl.
Data and Methods
Every litter item collected on board is weighed, photographed and categorized according to IBTS. Platic litter items were taken to the lab to determine polymer composition using FTIR spectroscopy.
Our Research Questions
- How much litter is present at the sea floor of North Sea and Baltic Sea?
- Are there regional differences in litter amount and composition?
- How does the amount of marine litter changes in time?
- Which polymers are present in plastic litter?
- Which threats for fish and ecosystem are caused by marine litter?
How much litter is present at the sea floor of North Sea and Baltic Sea?Answers can be found here (in german):
Are there regional differences in litter amount and composition?
Yes, litter from North Sea and Baltic Sea differ in composition.
How does the amount of marine litter changes in time?
This is subject of current research. We cannot answer the question yet.
Which polymers are present in plastic litter?
Polyethylen is the polymer we find most in plastic litter items. Polypropylene is the second frequently polymer.
Which threats for fish and ecosystem are caused by marine litter?
In principle macro litter can be swallowed by organisms and clog their stomach. This may lead to starvation of marine mammals or marine birds. The second threat of macro plastic is entanglement. Fish or invertebrates can entangle e.g. in lost fishing gears. Further on macro plastic can decay to micro plastic which has a different effect on the environment as macro plastic.
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Involved Thünen-Partners
Permanent task 12.1987 - 12.2023
More Information
Project status:
- 0
Kammann U, Aust M-O, Lewin W-C, Nogueira P, Panten K, Sell AF, Stepputtis D, Strehlow HV, Weltersbach MS, Wysujack K (2024) Umweltkontamination : Müll in deutschen Meeresgebieten. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 6 p, Thünen à la carte 13, DOI:10.3220/CA1701080947000
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Kammann U, Nogueira P, Wilhelm E, Int-Veen I, Aust M-O, Wysujack K (2023) Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) as part of marine litter at the seafloor of the Baltic Sea - Characterization, quantification, polymer composition and possible impact. Mar Pollut Bull 194(Part A):115348, DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115348
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Galgani F, Ruiz Orejon Sanchez Pastor L, Ronchi F, Tallec K, Fischer EK, Matiddi M, Anastasopoulou A, Andresmaa E, Angiolillo M, Bakker Paiva M, Booth AM, Buhhalko N, Cadiou B, Claro F, Consoli P, Darmon G, Deudero S, Fleet D, Fortibuoni T, Kammann U, et al (2023) Guidance on the monitoring of marine litter in European seas : An update to improve the harmonised monitoring of marine litter under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iii, 193 p, JRC Techn Rep 133594, DOI:10.2760/59137
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Matiddi M, Silvestri C, Anastasopoulou A, Andresmaa E, Angiolillo M, Bakker Paiva M, Buhhalko N, Cadiou B, Claro F, Consoli P, Darmon G, Deudero S, Fischer EK, Fossi MC, Galgani F, Gerigny O, Guse N, Hanke G, Ioakeimidis C, Kammann U, et al (2023) Litter and microlitter ingested by biota and entanglement with litter. JRC Techn Rep 133594:91-133, DOI:10.2760/59137
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Galgani F, Fortibuoni T, Hanke G, Angiolillo M, Giorgetti A, Norén K, Vinci M, Ronchi F, Andresmaa E, Ruiz M, Pragnell-Raasch H, Anastasopoulou A, Loon WMGM van, Schultze M, Kammann U, Rindorf A, Storr-Paulsen M, Gerigny O (2023) Seafloor macro litter. JRC Techn Rep 133594:57-65, DOI:10.2760/59137
- 7
Nogueira P, Kammann U, Aust M-O (2023) Visual quantification and identification of shallow seafloor marine litter in the southernmost North and Baltic seas using an epibenthic video sledge (EVS) - A comparison to bottom trawl data. Sci Total Environ 891:164633, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164633
- 8
Barry J, Russell J, Hal R van, Loon WMGM van, Noren K, Kammann U, Galgani F, Gago J, Dewitte B, Gerigny O, Lopes C, Pham CK, Garcia S, Sousa R, Rindorf A (2022) Composition and spatial distribution of litter on the seafloor : common indicator assessment : OSPAR's quality status report 2023 [online]. London: OSPAR Commission, 36 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 23.01.2023]
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O'Donoghue A, Booth A, De Witte B, Silburn B, Pham C, Galgani F, Int-Veen I, Gago J, Barry J, Noren K, Clayton L, Buhl-Mortensen L, Bredahl Nerdal L, Devriese L, Hall M, Russell M, Hal R van, Maes T, Wodzinowski T, Kammann U (2022) ICES manual for seafloor litter data collection and reporting from demersal trawl samples. Copenhagen: ICES, ii, 16 p, ICES Techn Mar Environ Sci 67, DOI:10.17895/
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Int-Veen I, Nogueira P, Isigkeit J, Hanel R, Kammann U (2021) Positively buoyant but sinking: Polymer identification and composition of marine litter at the seafloor of the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Mar Pollut Bull 172:112876, DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112876
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