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Current Press Releases

More press releases in German on our German website.

The eastern Baltic cod stock is in crisis since years. Despite historically low fishing pressure, it is not recovering. A conclusive explanation for this is still lacking. Scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde and the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries now…

View from above of a ship's deck and a huge brown patch of blue-green algae on the water

In the discussion about climate change mitigation, technical terms are not always used correctly. This can have unintended consequences.

Bird populations benefit significantly from agricultural fallows, especially in landscapes with medium structural complexity

Eine singende Grauammer in einer blühenden Brachfläche.

The Thünen Institute of Forest Ecosystems publishes for the first time national forest maps of Germany based on current satellite imagery and terrestrial data from the 2012 National Forest Inventory.

Kartenausschnitte zum bestockten Holzboden (links; grüne Flächen) und zu den dominierenden Baumarten (rechts) mit Übersicht der kartierten Baumartengruppen (rechts; bunte Flächen)..

German research team reveals the molecular basis of the fight between English oaks and their herbivores

Dreiteiliges Bild. Fotos A und B zeigen Eichenwicklerraupen auf Eichenblättern, Foto C mehr oder minder kahlgefressene Eichen.

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