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Our research in the Thünen topic "Livestock Farming and Aquaculture" concentrates mainly on animal welfare and environmental impacts. We also work on issues that span these two focal points.

  • Animal welfare: We develop indicators for animal welfare assessment and prepare a national animal welfare monitoring system. In addition, we develop concepts for animal welfare policy and calculate the additional costs of animal welfare measures.
  • Environmental Impacts: Here we are investigating how emissions from stables and manure management can be reduced. We are also looking at development options for regions that currently have very high livestock densities, and we are working on the development of alternative feed sources.
  • Overarching issues: In order to comprehensively assess the prospects for livestock farming, we analyze societal expectations, the development of animal food consumption, the international competitiveness of livestock production, and concepts to improve sustainability.

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Slurry spreading by drag hose
Emissions – more than just an unpleasant odour

When incorrectly operated stables or improperly expelled manure literally “stink to high heaven”, residents are often alarmed. But odour nuisance is just one part of the problem.

Aquaculture – Farming the Waters

Aquaculture is the fastest growing segment of global food production. Today, aquaculture produces 66 million tonnes of fish and seafood per year (excluding seaweed). Soon it will take over the role of catch fisheries as most important supplier.

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Do we have a welfare friendly animal husbandry?

How can we measure whether animals feel well? What options exist to evaluate animal welfare in livestock farming? Which political measures are effective in achieving improvements?

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How can we measure animal welfare?

Animal welfare can be measured – using a variety of indicators. But a generally accepted set of indicators is not available yet.

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Finding adequate policy measures

Policy has different options to achieve improvements in animal welfare of livestock farming. What can be done to make these measures effective?

Schwarze Pragrafenzeichen auf einer Seite, ein Zeichen ist grün eingefärbt
Violations of animal protection laws: what are the consequences?

Official veterinarians regularly complain that judicial authorities do not recognize clear violations of the animal protection laws and thus do not prosecute them. The Thünen Institute took a closer look at the charges, the problems and possible ...

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Keeping cows and calves together

It has become a rare sight in modern dairy production systems: cows and their calves together. Usually, they are separated immediately after birth. However, there is another option called cow-calf contact.

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One system – many faces

There is no formula for cow-calf contact systems. Farmers adjust their system to their barn equipment or to their personal vision. Therefore, many different systems have developed.

Zwei Rinder im freundlichen Umgang miteinander
Do adult cows profit when dam reared as calf?

The breeding goal for dairy production is a high performance cow, which can be used many lactations and is characterized by steady health and high fertility. Social behavior was not of interest to breeders thus far. However, animals which can cope ...

Versuchsaufbau zur Milchmengenmessung
Machine milking of cows that also suckle their calves

One characteristic of the cow-calf contact system is that cows suckle their calves and are additionally machine milked. However, the machine milk yield is significantly reduced.

Rinder im Stall
Integration into modern production systems

Just as in conventional rearing systems, calves in dam rearing have certain requirements: calves must have access to a lying area with dry bedding, feed and water. From time to time these calves also need to be examined and when necessary treated. ...

Eine alte Milchkanne auf einer Wiese
Things to know about milk from cow-calf contact systems

Is milk from cow-calf contact systems safe? Which farms offer it at all? And how much milk does a calf actually suckle? Here you will find answers to these and other questions.

Fleisch hängt an einem Schienensystem eine Person in weißer Kleidung schiebt eine Reihen Keulen
Livestock farming and meat production in Germany

How many tons of meat are produced in Germany? How much of it is exported? We answer these and other questions about animal husbandry and meat production in Germany with a synopsis of current data.

Eine biologisch gehaltene Muttersau mit Saugferkeln in einem Außenbereich mit Stroh.
Export opportunities for German animal welfare meat

To what extent can meat from animals raised in Germany under higher animal welfare standards also be marketed abroad? The Thünen Institute has investigated this using poultry and pork as examples. The results are rather sobering.

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Management tools

Livestock farmers are challenged in their daily business and have to manage many different tasks. In doing so, focusing on animal welfare (including the health status of the animals) is crucial. To support livestock farmers, the Thünen Institute ...

Forellen in einem FließwasserbeckenForellen in einem Fließwasserbecken
German aquaculture at a glance

More than 30,000 tonnes of fish and seafood are produced in aquaculture in Germany every year. That sounds a lot at first, but it only meets a small part of German demand.

Rinder in Anbindehaltung in einem bayerischen Stall.
Tethering in German cattle farming

Dairy cows and cattle housed in tie stalls are tethered continuously or for part of the day. Tie stalls are criticised because they are restricting the natural behaviour of the animals. On the basis of statistical data, the Thünen Institute assessed ...

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Organic-aquaculture in Germany - an everlasting niche?

Organic aquaculture has so far been a niche market in Germany. Fewer than 50 farms operate organically and, with the exception of mussel fishermen, the number has fallen in recent years - even though there is a demand for organically and sustainably ...


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