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In the Thünen topic “Forest management and Forest adaptation”, we strive to create the best possible knowledge base for adapting forests to climate change and nature conservation requirements. In cooperation with other institutions, we design trial area networks and ensure a high-quality supply of seed and planting material.

For the design of forest policy, we analyze which ecosystem services are provided by forests and how these services can be evaluated. Based on this, we develop policy options to guide forest management to meet changing needs.

In order to quantitatively assess the impacts of different options (policy impact assessment), we develop complex mathematical models. We use these models to determine how different policy options affect Germany's forests and timber markets.

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Provenance Research – the Backbone of Tree Improvement

Trees show genetic adaptations to their habitats. The aim of forest genetic research is to improve forests in regard to future challenges such as climate change or increasing wood demand.

Tree Breeding Strategy Developed – a Tool for Political Decisions

Forest tree breeding can only be successful in Germany if all involved institutions cooperate and share in the task. Future tree breeding will focus on six tree species or species groups.

Ein trockener Kiefernzweig vor einem blauen Himmel mit Wolken
Scots pine and beech: How do different provenances respond to drought?

When summers become dryer due to climate change, trees are also increasingly stressed. Forest researchers are testing the suitability of different pine and beech provenances with differing approaches.

Growth of six beech provenances in Schleswig-Holstein

A comparison of six beech provenance originating from cold and warm areas, respectively, leads to surprising results.

Gelbgefärbte Roteichenblätter
American and European Red Oak Provenances in Germany

In field trials at various sites in Germany, the European origins of red oak showed better growth performance than provenances of American origin. This is significant for future afforestation.

Transfer of Forest Reproductive Material within Europe – What do we know?

In several European countries considerable amounts of non-adapted reproductive material is still being used. This can lead to high mortality rates and poor growth performance.

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Breeding of Hybrid Larch – an Example for Successful Forest Tree Breeding?

Naturally occurring hybrids of European and Japanese larch show exceptionally high wood production. This has led to successful breeding programs. Shortcomings exist in the practical implementation.

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