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Institute of

HF Wood Research

First networking meeting for the "Klimaschutz-Sofortprogramm #RessortForschtKlima"

Thünen-Institute of Wood Research represented through the projects KLIMAtiv and HoFaTo

© Shawon – JKI

The Klimaschutz-Sofortprogramm (“immediate climate protection program”) provides funding for research projects that can deliver results for a quick reduction of greenhouse gases. To promote exchange between the researchers of the 28 projects, a networking meeting was held at the Julius Kühn-Institute in Berlin-Dahlem from June 20th to 21st. The Thünen-Insitute of Wood Protection was represented through the projects KLIMAtiv and HoFaTo, both of which are joint research projects with the Julius Kühn-Institute. The project KLIMAtiv investigates alternatives to the fumigation of logs with sulfuryl fluoride (SF). SF is a potent greenhouse gas that has seen a rise in usage due to the increase of exports of calamity wood to Asia, for which it is used as treatment against pests and is subsequently released into the atmosphere. The project HoFaTo examines how wood fiber materials can be used as a substitute for peat in planting substrates, and how the raw material base can be expanded from the currently exclusively used coniferous woods to also include hardwoods. The reduction of peat extraction has a significant impact on climate protection. Initial results and the experiments in progress of both projects were displayed in two posters, which are available for download here.



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