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Institute of

HF Wood Research

Determination of structure/property relationships in solid wood, wood composites, fibre-based material and derivates by means of biological, physical and chemical methods

The utilization of wood and wood products largely depends on the wood properties as the main basis for decisions which species are best suited for specific uses. However, lesser known species which are more and more imported, the use of plantation-grown non-native tree species, fast growing species from short rotation plantations (incl. genetically modified trees) as well as further developed and new wood products need a continuous determination of their individual properties.

Such material analyses by means of chemical, physical and biological tests are performed in our institute in order to contribute to the standardization procedures on the national and EU level. This work simultaneously helps to secure high quality standards, product safety as well as the resource efficient and sustainable use of wood, especially as construction material.


PD Dr. habil. Gerald Koch

Dr. Martin Ohlmeyer

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