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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies


Congratulations, Dr. Buschmann!

Christoph Buschmann successfully completed his doctorate in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Hohenheim on February 29, 2024. Congratulations!

Christoph Buschmann with doctoral cap
© Thünen-Institut/Peter Weingarten

In his cumulative dissertation "Analysis of the impact, costs and acceptance of lapwing plots as a protection measure for farmland birds in Germany", Christoph Buschmann analysed lapwing protection measures in terms of their impact, costs and acceptance among farmers. The population of lapwings (German bird of the year 2024) declined by more than 80 % in Germany between 1990 and 2019. Christoph Buschmann's ex-ante modelling shows that the population of lapwings can be stabilised and considerably increased again in the near future with the "lapwing plot" agri-environmental measure on a few thousand hectares of arable land and grassland. The nationwide costs on arable land are around 1.1 to 2.6 million euros per year. However, these low costs only apply if the measure implementation is accompanied by intensive nature conservation planning and advice.

Christoph Buschmann completed his Master's degree in Integrated Natural Resource Management at Humboldt University Berlin and has been working at the Thünen Institute since 2015. Since 2023, he has been researching in the project "Roadmap for the rewetting of organic soils in Germany".

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