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WI Institute of Rural Economics

peer-reviewed articles

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    Runst P, Thomä J (2024) Deregulierung, Re-Regulierung - Auswirkungen der Rückvermeisterung im Handwerk. Wirtschaftsdienst 104(1):53-57, DOI:10.2478/wd-2024-0017

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    Bischoff I, Bergholz C, Haug P, Melch S (2024) Does intense tax competition boost public acceptance for inter-municipal cooperation? Evidence from a survey among German citizens and local politicians. J Econ Pol Reform: Online First, Mar 2024, DOI:10.1080/17487870.2024.2333306

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    Hipp A, Ludwig U, Günther J (2024) Innovation and growth of a socialist economy: New evidence from revised data. Eastern Eur Econ: Online First, Feb 2024, DOI:10.1080/00128775.2024.2322949

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    Langenmayr D, Simmler M (2024) JUE insight: Expectations about future tax rates and firm entry. J Urban Econ: Online First, Apr 2024, DOI:10.1016/j.jue.2024.103666

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    Gauß P, Kortenhaus M, Riedel N, Simmler M (2024) Leveling the playing field: Constraints on multinational profit shifting and the performance of national firms. J Publ Econ 234:105116, DOI:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2024.105116

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    Hipp A, Jindra B, Medase K (2024) Overcoming barriers to technology transfer: empirical evidence from the German Democratic Republic. J Technol Transfer: Online First, Jan 2024, DOI:10.1007/s10961-023-10055-5

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    Reher L, Runst P, Thomä J (2024) Personality and regional innovativeness: An empirical analysis of German patent data. Res Policy 53(6):105006, DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2024.105006

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    Ludwig U, Hipp A, Medase K (2024) The influence of technical progress on economic growth in the GDR. In: Günther J, Jajesniak-Quast D, Ludwig U, Wagener H-J (eds) Roadblocks to the socialist modernization path and transition : Evidence from East Germany and Poland. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 63-90, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-37050-2_3

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    Lecca P, Persyn D, Sakkas S (2023) Capital-skill complementarity and regional inequality: A spatial general equilibrium analysis. Reg Sci Urban Econ 102:103937, DOI:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2023.103937

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    Devereux MP, Paraknewitz J, Simmler M (2023) Empirical evidence on the global minimum tax : what is a critical mass and how large is the substance-based income exclusion? Fiscal studies 44(1):9-21, DOI:10.1111/1475-5890.12317

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    Bischoff TS, Hipp A, Runst P (2023) Firm innovation and generalized trust as a regional resource. Res Policy 52(8):104813, DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2023.104813

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    Meister M, Niebuhr A, Peters JC, Stiller J (2023) Local attributes and migration balance - evidence for different age and skill groups from a machine learning approach. Reg Sci Pol Pract 15(4):794-825, DOI:10.1111/rsp3.12652

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    Margarian A, Hundt C (2023) One economy, but different growth regimes: why Germany’s rural east is still lagging. Competitiveness review 33(7):1-21, DOI:10.1108/CR-09-2022-0130

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    Tuitjer L, Müller A-L, Tuitjer G (2023) Social infrastructures in times of corona: Exploring the ambiguities of sociality, practices, and materiality. Space and Culture: in Press, DOI:10.1177/12063312231210110

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    Persyn D, Barbero J, Diaz-Lanchas J, Lecca P, Mandras G, Salotti S (2023) The ripple effects of large-scale transport infrastructure investment. J Regional Sci 63(4):755-792, DOI:10.1111/jors.12639

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    Dirksmeier P, Nolte K, Mewes L, Tuitjer L (2023) The role of climate change awareness for trust in institutions in sub-Saharan Africa. Environ Res Lett 18(9):094043, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/acf0d6

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    Bergmann H, Hundt C, Obschonka M, Sternberg R (2023) What drives solo and team startups at European universities? The interactive role of entrepreneurial climate, gender, and entrepreneurship course participation. Stud High Educ: in Press, DOI:10.1080/03075079.2023.2263477

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    Tuitjer AL, Tuitjer G, Müller A-L (2022) Buycotting to save the neighbourhood? : exploring the altered meaning of social infrastructures of consumption during the Covid-19 crisis in Linden, Hannover, Germany. Soc Cult Geogr 24(3-4):640-660, DOI:10.1080/14649365.2022.2115537

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    Persyn D, Diaz-Lanchas J, Barbero J (2022) Estimating road transport costs between and within European Union regions. Transport Pol 124(Aug. 2022):33-42, DOI:10.1016/j.tranpol.2020.04.006

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    Tuitjer G (2022) Growing beyond the niche? How machines link production and networking practices of small rural food businesses. Entrepreneurship Reg Dev 34(5-6):471-485, DOI:10.1080/08985626.2022.2062619

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    Tuitjer G, Küpper P (2022) Local and vertical networking as drivers of innovativeness and growth in rural businesses. J Rural Studies 95:412-422, DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2022.09.014

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    Hundt C, Grün L (2022) Resilience and specialization - How German regions weathered the Great Recession. ZFW - Adv Econ Geogr 66(2):96-110, DOI:10.1515/zfw-2021-0014

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    Tuitjer G (2021) Kurze Ketten im Lebensmittelbereich : Herausforderungen und Potenziale von verschiedenen Typen von Short Food Supply Chains. Standort Z Angew Geogr 45:181-186, DOI:10.1007/s00548-021-00704-y

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    Tuitjer G, Steinführer A (2021) The scientific construction of the village. Framing and practicing rural research in a trend study in Germany, 1952–2015. J Rural Studies 82:489-499, DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2019.12.006

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    Holtermann L, Hundt C, Steeger J, Bersch J (2021) The utilization of cluster externalities and recessionary shocks. Ind Corporate Change 30(1):19-48, DOI:10.1093/icc/dtaa042

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    Peters JC (2020) Dynamic agglomeration economies and learning by working in specialised regions. J Econ Geogr 20(3):629-651, DOI:10.1093/jeg/lbz022

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    Tuitjer G, Küpper P (2020) How knowledge-based local and global networks foster innovations in rural areas. J Innovation Econ 33(3):9-29, DOI:10.3917/jie.033.0009

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    Niebuhr A, Peters JC (2020) Population diversity and regional economic growth. In: Fischer MM, Nijkamp P (eds) Handbook of Regional Science. 2nd ed. Heidelberg; Berlin: Springer, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-36203-3_128-1

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    Niebuhr A, Peters JC, Schmidke A (2020) Spatial sorting of innovative firms and heterogeneous effects of agglomeration on innovation in Germany. J Technol Transfer 45:1343-1375, DOI:10.1007/s10961-019-09755-8

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    Hundt C, Holtermann L (2020) The role of national settings in the economic resilience of regions - Evidence from recessionary shocks in Europe from 1990 to 2014. Growth Change 51(1):180-206, DOI:10.1111/grow.12356

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    Niebuhr A, Peters JC (2020) Workforce composition and individual wages - An employer-employee data analysis. Brit J Ind Relat 58(3):719-742, DOI:10.1111/bjir.12519

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    Bergholz C, Bischoff I (2019) Citizens’ support for inter-municipal cooperation: evidence from a survey in the German state of Hesse. Appl Econ 51(12):1268-1283, DOI:10.1080/00036846.2018.1527444

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    Hamann S, Niebuhr A, Peters JC (2019) Does the urban wage premium differ by pre-employment status? Reg Stud 53(10):1435-1446, DOI:10.1080/00343404.2019.1577553

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    Tuitjer G (2018) A house of one's own - The Eigenheim within rural women's biographies. J Rural Studies 62:156-163, DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2018.08.002

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    Pudelko F, Hundt C, Holtermann L (2018) Gauging two sides of regional economic resilience in Western Germany - Why sensitivity and recovery should not be lumped together. Rev Reg Res 38(2):141-189, DOI:10.1007/s10037-018-0124-4

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    Bergholz C (2018) Inter-municipal cooperation in the case of spillovers: evidence from Western German municipalities. Local Gov Stud 44(1 (Spec. Iss.)):22-43, DOI:10.1080/03003930.2017.1403902

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    Küpper P, Kundolf S, Mettenberger T, Tuitjer G (2018) Rural regeneration strategies for declining regions: trade-off between novelty and practicability. Eur Plann Stud 26(2):229-255, DOI:10.1080/09654313.2017.1361583

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    Bergmann H, Geissler M, Hundt C, Grave B (2018) The climate for entrepreneurship at higher education institutions. Res Policy 47(4):700-716, DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2018.01.018

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    Edler D, Hundt C (2018) Wirtschaftliche und urbane Transformation in Tallinn : der Wandel zentrumsnaher Industrieareale. Geogr Rundsch 70(9):42-46

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    Peters JC (2017) The impact of age complementarities and learning externalities on labor productivity: evidence from German Micro Data. Kiel: Univ Kiel, Kiel, Univ Wirtschafts- und Sozialwiss, Diss, 2016

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