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Institute of

OF Organic Farming

Technology of livestock farming

Livestock systems engineering and works at the interface between animals, environment (e. g. buildings) and technology. Therefore, methods and measurements are based on ethology, environmental test equipment and electronic and optical measuring methods. The evaluation of livestock, building and technology, regarding animal welfare and environmental impact has to be done in a holistic way. Improvements of livestock production systems should be in balance when environmental benefits, such as clean alleys in a dairy barn, have a positive side effect on the claw health of dairy cows.

Ongoing projects

Development of an animal-friendly feeding system for horned goats

Dairy goat farming is a growing business in Germany since more then one decade. In the same manner, there is a growing demand on extension for dairy goat farms regarding husbandry and management. Although there is some knowledge present, there is a lack of transer into practical dairy goat farming. That is the starting point for our new initiative Stable Schools for dairy farmers.

Development of an animal-friendly feeding system for horned goats

Stable Schools for goat farmers

Dairy goat farming is a growing business in Germany since more then one decade. In the same manner, there is a growing demand on extension for dairy goat farms regarding husbandry and management. Although there is some knowledge present, there is a lack of transer into practical dairy goat farming. That is the starting point for our new initiative Stable Schools for dairy farmers.

Stable Schools for goat farmers

Animal welfare in goat keeping

Goats are able to produce even without best keeping conditions. In organic farming is the target to have high animal welfare standards and good production performance. Several projects have developed high animal welfare standards for goats kept in stables and on pasture. Avoidance of manipulation is part of the research.

Animal welfare in goat keeping

Animal welfare aspects on electronic animal identification for goats

Electronic identification of sheep and goats is mandatory in Europe since 01.01.2010. There are many concerns about injuries related to identification tags. Thus the objective of our study was the evaluation of an early identification of goat kids together in their housing and on pasture.

Animal welfare aspects on electronic animal identification for goats

"Feed less Food"

Is it necessary to feed so much potential human food to livestock? Too many people face hunger. Are high proportions of concentrate good for animal health and welfare? These questions are relevant for organic farming. Already the standards of organic farming reduce the level of concentrate feed to dairy livestock. But, is it possible to reduce it further? How will be the production performance and the animal welfare? In a 6 years trial these questions have been elaborated with the dairy goat herd at the experimental station in Trenthorst.

"Feed less Food"

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