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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

Further news 2023 - 2014

Emilin Joma da Silva successfully defended her doctoral thesis on 10. February 2023.

f.l.t.r. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Magel (Examination Board), Emilin Joma da Silva, Prof. Dr. Jörg B. Ressel (Retired professor/guest), Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause (PhD supervisor), Prof. Dr. Bodo Saake (Examination Board), Prof. Dr. Udo Mantau (PhD supervisor)

Matthias Dieter from Thünen Institute of Forestry has been part of the handover delegation.

Photo: f.l.t.r: Prof Ewald Endres, University of Applied Science Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, forest law and forest policy; Prof Matthias Dieter, Director Thünen Institute of Forestry; Federal Minister Cem Özedemir; Prof Ulrich Schraml, Director Forest Experimental and Research Institute Baden-Württemberg

Policy mixes are formally mostly coherent and consitently designed.

Top view of rainforest

New publication of a systematic evidence and gap map

Young forest in august in bohemian switzerland.

Globally, timber trade flows have increased in recent years. While value is generally added along the entire value chain, certain environmental impacts, such as deforestation and forest degradation, are intrinsically linked to the origin of the roundwood.

Cargo ship and wooden pile in the harbor

From November 29th until December 2nd, 2022, the international conference of the Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics (SSFE) took place in Umeå. The thematic focuses of this year’s conference lied on forest ecosystem services and the impact assessment of changes in climate and socio-economics.

A group photo: (f.l.t.r.) Prof. Andreas Stephan (Linneaus University) · Prof. Camilla Widmark (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) · Dohun Kim (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) · Tomke Honkomp (Thünen Institute of Forestry)

Forest certification has become a strategic tool for companies to secure access to sensitive environmental markets and pursue sustainability commitments. This trend is also visible in Spain, where PEFC certification has increased by 91% in the last five years.

A piece of wood with a PEFC stamp.

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