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© Bernd Degen
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Institute of

FG Forest Genetics



The application of endophytic bacteria to improve stability and vitality of poplar plants to increase biomass generation in fast growth plantations (Endophyten II)

Endophytic bacteria may act as plant growth promoters by synthesising phytohormones or enzymes, fixing athmospheric nitrogen or controlling plant diseases.

Background and Objective

The aim of this is to test the beneficial effects of endophytic bacteria with respect to the influence on the growth of poplars for sustainable biomass production.In addition bioprparates of these bacteria as an easy practical application will be developed and tested.


Endophytic bacteria will be isolated from poplars and afterwards tested with different systems on poplar plants.


Dr. habil. Bernd Degen

+49 4102 696 101
+49 4102 696 101

Involved external Thünen-Partners

  • Technische Universität Graz
    (Graz, Österreich)

Funding Body

  • Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
    (national, öffentlich)


4.2011 - 9.2014

More Information

Project funding number: FKZ 22011309
Project status: finished


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    Ulrich K, Becker R, Ulrich A, Ewald D, Liesebach H (2015) Endophytic bacteria in poplars - characterisation and artificial inoculation to enhance growth parameters. In: Vettori C, Vendramin GG, Paffetti D, Travaglini D (eds) IUFRO Tree Biotechnology 2015 Conference : "Forests: the importance to the planet and society" ; 8-12 June 2015, Florence, Italy ; Proceedings. Florenz: IUFRO, pp 193-195

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    Hanak AM, Nagler M, Weinmaier T, Sun X, Fragner L, Schwab C, Rattei T, Ulrich K, Ewald D, Engel M, Schloter M, Bittner R, Schleper C, Weckwerth W (2014) Draft genome sequence of the growth-promoting endophyte Paenibacillussp.. P22, Isolated from Populus. Genome Announcements 2(2):e00276-14, DOI:10.1128/genomeA.00276-14

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    Han Z, Zhang Z, Domg Y, Yang M, Ewald D (2014) Effects of endophytic bacteria P22 and S16 in Populus on the rooting and growth of the relative species plants. J North East Forestry Univ 42(7):118-121

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    Xu L, Yang M, Ewald D, Akinnagbe A (2013) Extraneous endophytic bacteria enhanced rootingand growth of Liquidambar formosana In vitro. Res J Biotechnol 8(12):4-9

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    Ulrich K, Becker R, Enkisch H, Scherling C, Weckwerth W, Ewald D (2012) Kleine Bakterien - große Wirkung? Endophytische Bakterien fördern das Wachstum von Bäumen. Beitr Nordwestdt Forstl Versuchsanst 8: 418

  7. 6

    Ulrich K, Scherling C, Weckwerth W, Ewald D (2010) Kleine Helfer - großer möglicher Nutzen : endophytische Bakterien könnten zur Steigerung des Ertrages und der Stressresistenz von Forstgehölzen beitragen. Holz Zentralbl 136(13):338

  8. 7

    Ulrich K, Ewald D (2008) "Probiotische" Bakterien für Bäume? : Bedeutung endophytischer Bakterien in Forstgehölzen. AFZ Der Wald 63(20):1183-1185

  9. 8

    Ulrich K, Ulrich A, Ewald D (2008) Diversity of endophytic bacterial communities in poplar grown under field conditions. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 63(2):169-180, DOI:10.1111/j.1574-6941.2007.00419.x

  10. 9

    Ulrich K, Stauber T, Ewald D (2008) Paenibacillus - a predominant endophytic bacterium colonising tissue cultures of woody plants. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult 93(3):347-351

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