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© Andreas Bolte
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Institute of

WO Forest Ecosystems

Scattering and deposition meters on the investigation area of the Integrated Monitoring Program at Stechlinsee, Neuglobsow (Brandenburg).
Fortsetzung des Integrated Monitoring Programms an der Station Neuglobsow (Brandenburg)

Das „Integrated Monitoring“ (ICP-IM) ist ein internationales Kooperativprogramm der Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention und untersucht an verschiedenen Standorten in Europa exemplarisch die Wirkung von ferntransportierten Luftschadstoffen auf Ökosysteme. ...

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ESP Secretariat

Since 2021, the ESP Secretariat is hosted at the Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (Thuenen Institute, Germany). The European Soil Partnership is part of a global network of eight regional soil partnerships.

Data recording during field work
BBZE- Forest

Development of a method to estimate the condition of forest soil properties by a sampling based survey and by regionalisation.

Measuring point with trenching for analysis of soil respiration without root respiration of the trees, Ore Mountains, Saxony
Holistic management practices, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils

Improve and harmonize methods for estimating soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and fluxes in relation to forest management practices, land use history, and their influence on greenhouse gas balance in Europe.

Validation of the national modelling of critical loads

In this project, denitrification and the weathering were evaluated in terms of the critical loads calculation basis.

Validation of the national modelling of critical loads

In this project, denitrification and the weathering were evaluated in terms of the critical loads calculation basis.

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Carbon and nutrient storage of forest sites

Carbon and nutrient storage of forest sites within the forest monitoring (BZE) of Rhineland-Palatinate

Leben an stehendemTotholz
Harmonized stand inventory on National Soil Inventory: stand structure, dead wood and biodiversity

Soil characteristics and forest conditions are direct associated. With the harmonized stand inventory standardized information of forest growth, deadwood and forest regeneration are collected for the first time on Soil Inventory Plots in Germany.

Soil profile
National Forest Soil Inventory

The BZE characterises the condition of forest soils, identifies changes in forest condition since the first inventory and answers any new research questions, e.g., about carbon inventory.

Entnahme von Proben der organischen Auflage mittels Stechzylinder an einem der 8 Satelliten der BZE. 
Standardmäßig erfolgte die Probenahme an 8 Entnahmepunkten die ausgehend von einem zentralen Bodenprofil in allen acht Haupt- und Nebenhimmelsrichtungen auf einer Kreisfläche von 10m liegen. Je Auflagehorizont bzw. Tiefenstufe wird eine Mischprobe gebildet um den Effekt kleinräumiger Variabilität  möglichst minimal zu halten.
National Forest Soil Inventory in Germany - Data quality and data management

National Forest Soil Inventory in Germany – Data harmonization, evaluation and quality management

Durch abgestorbene Biomasse, wie z.B. Laubstreu, akkumuliert in Waldböden Kohlenstoff, der  durch chemische und biologische Prozesse ab- und umgebaut wird, wodurch er kurz bis langfristig gebunden werden kann.
Soil Carbon in Forest Soils

Organic carbon stocks and their changes in forest soils

Humusaufnahmen auf Transekten in sächsischen Wäldern.
RAVESA II - method to estimate the condition of forest soil properties of waterlogged soils

Development of a method to estimate the condition of forest soil properties of waterlogged soils

Beprobung von Humusauflage und Oberboden nach BZE-Methodik in drei sächsischen Testgebieten.
RAVESA I - Sampling based survey of the soil conditions of forest sites

Development of a method to estimate the condition of forest soil properties by a sampling based survey and by regionalisation.

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