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© Anja Bunge / Thünen-Institut
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Institute of

FI Fisheries Ecology

Publications as an employee of Thuenen-Institute

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    Kusche H, Hanel R (2021) Consumers of mislabeled tropical fish exhibit increased risks of ciguatera intoxication: A report on substitution patterns in fish imported at Frankfurt Airport, Germany. Food Contr 121:107647, DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107647

  2. 1

    Kusche H, Hillgruber N, Rößner Y, Focken U (2018) The effect of different fish feed compositions on delta13C and δ15N signatures of sea bass and its potential value for tracking mariculture-derived nutrients. Isotopes Environ Health Stud 54(1):28-40, DOI:10.1080/10256016.2017.1361419

  3. 2

    Kusche H, Cote G, Hernandez C, Normandeau E, Boivin-Delisle D, Bernatchez L (2017) Characterization of natural variation in North American Atlantic Salmon populations (Salmonidae: Salmo salar) at a locus with a major effect on sea age. Ecol Evol 7(15):5797-5807, DOI:10.1002/ece3.3132

  4. 3

    Kusche H, Hillgruber N, Rößner Y, Focken U (2017) Plant protein-based feeds and commercial feed enable isotopic tracking of aquaculture emissions into marine macrozoobenthic bioindicator species. Isotopes Environ Health Stud 53(3):261-273, DOI:10.1080/10256016.2016.1267166

  5. 4

    Kusche H (2016) Vulkane im Dienste der Evolution. DCG Inf 47(4):74-80

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    Machado-Schiaffino G, Kaut AF, Kusche H, Meyer A (2015) Parallel evolution in Ugandan crater lakes: repeated evolution of limnetic body shapes in haplochromine cichlid fish. BMC Evol Biol 15:9, DOI:10.1186/s12862-015-0287-3

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    Kusche H, Elmer KR, Meyer A (2015) Sympatric ecological divergence associated with a color polymorphism. BMC Biol(13):82, DOI:10.1186/s12915-015-0192-7

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