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Institute of

AK Climate-Smart Agriculture


Kick-off for ARS AfricaE

The project ARS Africa starts with a kick-off meeting held in South Africa. The project is coordinated by Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture.

"ARS AfricaE - Adaptive Resilience in Southern African Ecosystems" investigates the coupled carbon and water cycles of natural and disturbed savanna ecosystems by setting up a network of research clusters.

ARS AfricaE is a joint research project with 4 German and 6 South African partner institutions. The Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart  Agriculture takes the overall coordination of the project. Results of the project will form better management strategies of savanna ecosystems.

The project ARS Africa starts with a kick-off meeting held in South Africa. After the meeting experimental sites in South Africa and Zambia will be chosen.

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