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Institute of

AK Climate-Smart Agriculture


Publication from the EJP project

Henrike Heinemann, Juliane Hirte, Felix Seidel et al.: Increasing root biomass derived carbon input to agricultural soils by genotype selection – a review

Abstract drawing of plants, their roots and nutrients in the soil
© Thünen-Institut/AK

We asked ourselves whether it is possible to increase root biomass of main crops without reducing yields. As part of MaxRootC, we compiled data from 13 global field trial studies to assess the potential of optimized variety selection to increase root biomass of winter wheat, spring wheat, silage corn, winter oilseed rape and sunflower.

Systematic variety selection increased average yields by 52% and average root biomass by 22% for all crops and locations. An average increase in root C of 6.7% for spring wheat, 6.8% for winter canola, 12.2% for silage corn, 21.6% for winter wheat, and 26.4% for sunflower would be possible without yield loss.

Overall, we were able to show that optimized variety selection can be a win-win option to increase the C-input of root biomass into the soil while maintaining or even increasing yield.

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