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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

"Fischbestände Online" (fish stocks online) at International Green Week in Berlin

From 15th to 24th of January 2016, the International Green Week (exhibition for the food, agricultural and horticultural industries) will take place in Berlin.


"Fischbestände online" auf der Internationalen Grünen Woche in Berlin 2016

The stand of the Fish Information Centre (Fisch-Informationzentrum, FIZ) is the major attraction of the seafood market in Hall 14.1 at the International Green Week in Berlin. Here we presented this year the website "Fischbestände online" (in German). Among many interested visitors were also the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Christian Schmidt and the Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. Maria Flachsbarth.

The website „Fischbestände online“ is developed and maintained by the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries. It provides up-to-date and scientifically correct information on all aspects of the sustainable use of marine fish stocks relevant for the German market.

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