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Biodiversity and migratory species

Reinhold Hanel | 20.06.2022

FI Institute of Fisheries Ecology

Fish species that migrate between fresh and marine waters, so-called diadromous species, are often particularly vulnerable to human impacts. They are put under pressure by river constructions and fragmentation of habitats as well as by over-fishing and climate change.

Of the existing 33,000 fish species about 7,000 are used for human consumption, and the trend is upwards. Fish species often vary only in a few characteristics, with the result that they are often only distinguishable by experts. Nonetheless, when aspiring high product quality and consumer protection, as well as a back-tracking of fish and fish products for stock protection, a definite identification of fishes and a confirmation of their origin is required.   

Controls are also needed for processed fish products, such as filets and tinned fish: fake labelling must cease. At the Thünen Institute we have expertise in fish identification, laboratory analytics and fish genetics. We develop genetic markers for species identification and for stock separation of important model species. These include sprat and herring as well as icefish and tuna. Of particular interest and great importance are migratory species. Many fish species make long and exhausting migrations to reach spawning grounds and find feeding areas, and some of them cover enormous distances and large obstacles. Fish species that migrate between fresh and marine waters, so-called diadromous species, are often particularly vulnerable to human impacts. They are put under pressure by river constructions and fragmentation of habitats as well as by over-fishing and climate change.  


The European eel – mysterious and threatened

The European eel is acutely threatened. So far it has not been possible to take effective protective measures. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has now, for the first time, clearly recommended a complete closure of eel fisheries in the entire distribution area.

The European eel – mysterious and threatened

Fewer eels than estimated

Der Europäische Aal ist stark bedroht. Erklärtes Ziel der EU ist daher, dass mehr Aale aus unseren Gewässern abwandern, um sich fortpflanzen zu können. Dies empirisch zu erfassen ist allerdings aufwendig und beruht oft auf modellierten Schätzungen. Doch wie realistisch sind die Annahmen?

Fewer eels than estimated


Episode 14: Can the eel still be saved?

The European eel is acutely threatened. Fishing is one of the reasons for this. While scientists have been calling for a complete ban on fishing for years as well as for the improvement of water quality and fish passage, politicians are struggling with it. What is the reason for this? And could the eel still be saved at all?

Episode 14: Can the eel still be saved?

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