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Aktuelle Stellenangebote der Einrichtungen und Institute des Thünen-Instituts:

Job offer

research assistant / PostDoc (f/m/d) Environmental sciences, meteorology, environmental physics, geography, geoecology, agricultural sciences or comparable degree programmes

Beteiligte Institute
Institut für Agrarklimaschutz


The Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, in Braunschweig is looking for a temporary full-time position (currently 39 hours/week) until 31.12.2027 for a

research assistant / PostDoc (f/m/d)

Environmental sciences, meteorology, environmental physics, geography, geoecology, agricultural sciences or comparable degree programmes

to work on the third-party funded project ‘Relevance and mitigation of ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from crop residue management’ (AL-Resid).

About 95% of ammonia (NH3) emissions in Germany originate from agriculture. In addition to animal husbandry, the application of certain mineral fertilisers is an important source of emissions. Ammonia emissions reduce the fertilising effect and are a significant factor in the formation of harmful particulate matter, ecosystem eutrophication, soil acidification and the indirect formation of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). In addition to synthetic and organic nitrogen fertilisers, emissions from animal houses and the storage of organic fertilisers play a major role. Living and freshly harvested, physiologically active (‘fresh’) biomass can also be a significant source of ammonia from agriculture, but has only been investigated to a limited extent to date.

The objectives of the research project ‘Relevance and mitigation of ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from crop residue management’’ (AL-Resid) are the quantification of ammonia emissions from fresh crop residues (field grass cuttings, beet leaves, etc.) using micrometeorological methods, in particular eddy covariance measurements, in the field, as well as N2O and NH3 emissions in laboratory incubation experiments. These will also serve for analysing the effects of measures to reduce NH3 emissions in interaction with N2O emissions. Isotope analytical methods will also be used here. Last but not least, an algorithm for calculating NH3 emissions from fresh crop residues will be evaluated and further developed. The results of the project will thus support the preparation of the German NH3 emissions inventory.

Your tasks:

  • Supervision of the field trials, in particular scientific and technical support in setting up and operating the eddy covariance measurements
  • Comprehensive scientific evaluation of the ammonia exchange at the project sites
  • Quality control and processing of data sets with subsequent creation of nitrogen balances
  • Setup, implementation and evaluation of laboratory incubation experiments using stable isotopes (15N gas flow method)
  • Statistical analysis of field and laboratory results, taking into account climatic and biogeochemical driver variables
  • Writing peer-reviewed scientific publications and reports

Professional skills:

  • Completed studies (university diploma, MSc.) in the field of environmental sciences, meteorology, environmental physics, geography, geoecology, agricultural sciences or comparable degree programmes
  • Completed doctorate or thematically relevant peer-reviewed publications in at least one of the above-mentioned subject areas
  • in-depth knowledge of biogeochemistry, meteorology or soil science as well as knowledge of the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases and air pollutants
  • Experience in the preparation and statistical analysis of extensive data sets
  • Experience with micrometeorological measurement methods, in particular the eddy covariance method is an advantage
  • Confident handling of common IT, good knowledge of R, Python or another programming language

Personal/Social skills:

  • Flexibility, good communication skills, team spirit, high motivation, practical skills, scientific curiosity and ability to work independently and in a structured manner
  • Willingness to work in the field as part of business trips lasting several days or at short notice required
  • Very good knowledge of use of English language

Our offer:

  • Security and benefits: collectively agreed, fixed-term employment with attractive social benefits (e.g. company pension scheme, annual one-off payment, capital-forming benefits) upon fulfilment of the collective agreement and personal requirements according to pay group 13 TVöD
  • Responsibility and a sense of purpose: responsible work in a dedicated team, involvement in a dynamic, interdisciplinary research institute and proximity to current policy and practice-relevant topics
  • Flexibility and work-life balance: flexible working time models, fundamental possibility of part-time employment as well as mobile working and teleworking, certified employer berufundfamilie audit with a wide range of offers for reconciling work and life phases
  • Prospects: further training opportunities for the area of responsibility and individual development
  • Health: company health management and preventative healthcare programmes
  • Mobility: JobTicket, public transport connections, free parking spaces and the option of using e-charging stations

The Thünen Institute promotes professional equality between women and men and therefore expressly welcomes applications from women.

We live a diverse and cosmopolitan coexistence. The Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute is committed to inclusion. Applications from people with severe disabilities are therefore expressly encouraged. They will be given preferential consideration in the selection process. Please enclose proof of severe disability or equal status with your application.

If you have any technical queries, please contact Dr Andreas Pacholski (andreas.pacholski@thuenen.de).

Please send your application (electronically as one document) with a cover letter, curriculum vitae in tabular form with an overview of your educational and professional background, copies of certificates and a list of publications including the keyword “2025-005-AK” by 31 January 2025 to

Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut

Institut für Agrarklimaschutz

Bundesallee 65

38116 Braunschweig


Informationen nach Artikel 13 DSGVO zur Erhebung personenbezogener Daten finden Sie unter www.thuenen.de/daten


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Dr. Andreas Pacholski



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