Aktuelle Stellenangebote der Einrichtungen und Institute des Thünen-Instituts:
- Dienstort
- Braunschweig
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 10.02.2025
- Dienstort
- Hamburg-Barsbüttel
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 10.02.2025
- Dienstort
- Bremerhaven
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 10.02.2025
- Dienstort
- Bremerhaven
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 10.02.2025
- Dienstort
- Braunschweig
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 10.02.2025
- Dienstort
- Braunschweig
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 12.02.2025
- Dienstort
- Hamburg-Bergedorf
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 14.02.2025
- Dienstort
- Bremerhaven
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 14.02.2025
- Dienstort
- Bremerhaven
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 17.02.2025
- Dienstort
- Eberswalde
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 17.02.2025
Job offer
research assistant / PhD student (f/m/d) (biology, marine biology, fisheries biology, bioinformatics, biometry or similar disciplines)
- Beteiligte Institute
- OFInstitut für Ostseefischerei
The Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, in Rostock offers a part-time position (19.5 hours/week), subject to final funding approval, at the earliest possible date, limited until 31.12.2027, a
research assistant / PhD student (f/m/d)
(biology, marine biology, fisheries biology, bioinformatics, biometry or similar disciplines)
on the subject of “Flatfish age validation”.
The successful applicant will have the opportunity for further academic training, in particular, to write a dissertation. The results of one’s own work can be used for preparing the PhD thesis.
The Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries has unique expertise in age determination of otoliths from commercially used fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. Accurate age determination of fish is important to understand the life history of a population and to ensure the sustainable management of commercially exploited species. Age estimates form the basis for calculating many population demographics such as growth rates, mortality or year-class strength. The prerequisite for age estimation via otoliths is the validation of the otolith growth zones for a population within its distribution area, in terms of both formation of the first zone, and the periodicity of the formation of all sub-sequent zones.
The applicant will be expected to advance the age validation work of the institute for Baltic flatfishes (mainly plaice, flounder and turbot). Ongoing mark-recapture tagging studies with tetracycline-marked fish yielded several valuable recaptures over the last years. The applicant will analyse these otolith collections (e.g., using traditional and modern methods). Additional samples can be collected during field experiments for example to better understand the interactions between the seasonal sequence of growth zones and life history. The applicant is expected to publish results in project reports and international peer-reviewed journals.
- Analysis of the available otoliths of recaptured juvenile and adult flatfish to validate the age reading
- Develop and conduct own research questions on age validation of flatfishes
- Publication of the results in international peer-reviewed journals
- Report writing and presenting the results in international working groups and conferences
We expect from the applicant the following qualifications:
- University degree (diploma, M.Sc.) in biology, marine biology, fisheries biology, geology, mineralogy, or similar disciplines
- Experience in fisheries biology research, in the field of fish ageing and sclerochronology is advantageous
- Willingness to travel on research vessels of all sizes (partly self-responsible)
- Proficiency in English and/or German
- Quick wit, even with complex questions, independent development and handling of scientific questions
- High degree of motivation, organizational skills, inventiveness, ability to work in a team and the related communication skills, and the ability to learn
- Experience in guiding staff members (e.g., students) is desired, willingness to guide staff members is required
- Interest in inter- and transdisciplinary research
- Experience in writing scientific manuscripts
- Extensive experience in dealing with statistics, spreadsheets, presentation- and word processing routines, advanced experience with the programming language R are advantageous
- Physical ability to work at sea (seaworthy, lifting and carrying boxes, equipment, and fish boxes)
We offer a highly interesting job in applied research on the interface between science and management of fisheries, often with strong echoes in the media, which provide the basis for a sustainable management of fish stocks; a well-equipped, modern workplace, a large degree of freedom and intense interdisciplinary and international collaboration.
We support the compatibility of work and family life and have been awarded the audit berufundfamilie certificate. In order to support compatibility, the Thünen Institute offers flexible working time models, home office and teleworking, among other things, within the scope of the official possibilities.
The employment is governed by the German Wage Agreement for Public Services (TVöD-Bund). The payment of remuneration is carried out according to tariff category 13 TVöD (tariff area east).
The Thünen Institute promotes professional equality for women and men and therefore expressly welcomes applications from women.
Should you have questions regarding the scientific requirements etc., please address your inquiries by email or telephone to Dr. U. Krumme (Email, Tel. +49 (0)381/66099-148).
Send your applications in German or English, combined in one single pdf file, including your CV and copies of your certificates and, if available, publications, using the keyword “2024-257-OF” until 19.01.2025 if possible by e-mail to
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut
Institut für Ostseefischerei
Herrn Dr. C. Zimmermann
Alter Hafen Süd 2, 18069 Rostock
Information in accordance with Article 13 DSGVO on the collection of personal data can be found at
Für fachliche Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
+49 (0)381/66099-148